Sorry no competitions currently running - our next competition will be in April 2025
October24 photo competition - anything natives
Congrats to our October competition winners;;
Kevin - amazing Ruru photos
Helen - fantastic plant photos
Joel - love for the weta

September24 trap catch
Photos of your trap catches (rodent, wasp or possum) were eligable to go into the draw to win a gift voucher.
Congrats to our 2 September winners:
Matt - for his great rat catches
Jenny - from Tawa Rd got the rat attaching her vege garden (bottom right)

2023 Competitions
November 2023 - native species photo competition
Novembers theme was 'native species'.
Native species is a diverse area allowing for a wide scope of photot entries from native insect species such as Weta or skink, through to native bird species such as Tui, Ruru or Kereru, or even a native tress in full flower - esp this time time of year when we see pōhutukawa in full flower.
Congrats to our winners
Two stunning photos from Kevin Baker of his resident Ruru
Nicola captured this majestic Kereru
Helen Jenkins snapped a native hibiscus, a set of Nikau Palms, a Tui feeding in a yellow pōhutukawa, a magnificent red pōhutukawa flower and a Kauri tree.

September 2023 'catch a Predator' photo competition
With spring 2023 upon us and the birds are starting to nest, it was a good chance to give them help we need to catch those predators that raid their nests for eggs and baby chicks.
Congrats to our photo winners for their catches:
Andrew Gibson
Tony Wilson
Geordie Anslow
June-July 2023 'Possum catch' photo competition
Congrats to our photo competition winner in June/July for their catch
Sarah Mason

Wasp trap photo competition January-March 2023
Summer is that time of year when these pesky wasps are around, so our wasp traps are an ideal tool to help get rid of them.
Here's a small selection of photos received from members.
Congratulations to our winner:
Beverly Clarke |

2022 Competitions
Photo competition Nov-Dec 2022
Here's a range of photos taken by members on all things relating to our theme of 'native'.
Congratulations to
Helen Jenkins for her outstanding series of photos (many featuring here)

June-July 2022 'traps & feeders' photo competition
Our June-July theme was the wide ranging 'traps and feeders'. A great number of entries received with a small sample presented here.
Congratulations to our two competition winners;
- Luke Austin
- Linda Ringrose

Refer a neighbour March 2022
Congratulations to our March 22 winners;
Rachael Goffin who was referred by Barbara McKinney
It's great to have neighbours spreading the word.
March 2022 quiz
Congratulations to March's quiz winner
Francis Lawes
Francis was the only one from 5 entries who got all 7 questions right, well done.
2021 Competitions
Refer a neighbour Dec 2021
Congratulations to our December winners who each win a bird bath;
Rachel Woods (new member) as referred by Becky Girvan
December 2021 quiz
Congratulations to our December's quiz winners
Larissa Young and Janine Wakley
who got all 7 questions right
November 2021 bird photo competition
Congratulations to our photo competition winners;
- Merja Myllylahti
- Francis Lawes
- Deane Tetley
- Meagan Spence

Congratulations to November 2021 quiz competition winners
Maddy Witney
Mark Cleaver
Congratulations to October 2021 quiz competition winners
Margaret Adams
Maree Raffles
October 2021 lockdown rat catch photo competition
Congratulations to our photo competition winners;
- Theresa Andresen
- Kevin Barker

Congratulations to June-Sept 2021 'Refer a Neighbour' winners
Congratulations Sue and Jackie, your birdbaths are on the way.
Jackie Yandall (new member)
Sue Nash (referring member)

Congratulations to June 2021 Possum catch winner
Congratulations to John Peebles for winning Junes possum catch photo competition.
John had 7 catches in June, a record for a residential property.
Great work John

Congratulations to April-May 2021 'Refer a Neighbour' winners
Congratulations Christian and Brendon, your bird baths are on their way;
Brendon Scott (referring member)
Christian Derold (new member)

Congratulations to March's 2021 quiz competition winner
Plant quiz - Gina McDonald
Congratulations to February 2021 competition winners
Possum catch photo - Rachel Cheung
Plant Quiz - Andrew Stacey
Neighbours referral - winners of bird baths
Pair1 - Hanna Scott (referring member) and Rebecca Bharuchi (new member)
Pair 2 - Sharon Batty (referring member) and Jane & Paul Hofman (new members)
In February a total of 7 possums have been reported as being caught - great effort by all, this number is down from 14 in December so hopefully a positive sign ahead.
Keep up the great work trapping them.

2020 Competitions
Congratulations to December 2020 competition winners
Predator Catch - Ted Gibson
Quiz - Brendon Scott
To date in December a total of 14 possums have been reported as being caught - great effort by all, but this high number shows we still have a way to go to eradicate them from the local area.
Keep up the great work trapping them.
Congratulations to November 2020 competition winners
Bird feeder photo - Diana Austin
Predator Catch - Russell Hardie
Quiz - Sandra van de Water